El día de la virgen-eng

France // 2016 // Fiction // 25min

Sarah, French-speaker, lives in a city where the majority of the inhabitants are Spanish-speakers. Due to ethnic riots, the government has decided to divide the city into three zones and to limit them by a wall. Married with a Spanish-speaker, Sarah lives in Zone A and is thus separated from her brother who lives in zone C.


2016: Nablus festival, Institut culturel français, Palestine / Gaza red carpet human rights film festival, Palestine / Cinecipó, Festival de Cinema Socioambiental, Serra do Cipó, Brésil. Mention Honorable du jury / Festival international cinéma et migrations, Agadir, Maroc

2017: Jaipur International Film Festival, Inde. Meilleur film politique / Dhaka International Film Festival, Bangladesh / Rapid Lion, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud / Festival Internacional de Cine político, Buenos Aires, Argentine / Karama Beirut Human Rights Film Festival, Beyrouth, Liban / Nouakshort, Nouakchott, Mauritanie / Rojal film festival, Roja, Lettonie. Cérémonie d’ouverture du festival / Chouftouhonna, Tunis, Tunisie. Meilleur court-métrage / Alexandria Mediterranean Film Festival, Egypte / Divine queer film festival, Turin, Italie. Festilag, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire / Festival international du film numérique de Cotonou, Bénin / La nuit du court-métrage : Droits humains, Rabat, Maroc / Manifesto film festival, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas

2018: La Péniche cinéma, Paris, France / Tolpuddle Radical Film Festival, United Kingdom. Prix du public / Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre, Ramallah, Palestine / Flic en Flac, Global Migration film festival, the UN migration agency, Ile Maurice / Zacatecoluca, Global Migration film festival, the UN migration agency, Salvador / Benin City, Global Migration film festival, the UN migration agency, Nigéria / Tenosique, Tabasco, Mexico City Global Migration film festival, the UN migration agency, Mexique / SAE Institute, Amman, Directorate of culture / Madaba, Karama Human Rights Film Festival, Jordanie / Curico, Tomé, Global Migration film festival, the UN migration agency, Chili / Global Migration film festival, the UN migration agency, Madagascar / Managua, Global Migration film festival, the UN migration agency, Nicaragua / Sofia, Global Migration film festival, the UN migration agency, Bulgarie / Canal 13, TV nationale, Costa Rica

2019: Karama Human Rights film festival, Sana’a,  Aden, Taiz, Yemen / Herat International Film Festival, Afghanistan / Mostra viva del Mediterranei, Valence, Espagne / Festival Internacional Cervantino, Guanajuato, Mexique 

2021: Sustainable Development Goals Global Festival of Action, Nations Unies, Japon / Bombu Mininu, Mindelo, Cap Vert / Centro Cultural do Mindelo, Cap Vert / Evènement organisé par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères au Japon et autres organisations relatives à la coopération internationale, Japon

Screenwriting & direction: Louise Heem

Production: Louise Heem / J’aime ce garçon

Adult Sarah: Louise Heem / Child Sarah: Victoire Matignon / Adult Georges: Stéphane Bouquet / Child Georges: Jules Matignon / Father: Richard Leroussel / Lucas: Andrés Espinoza Mellado / French-speaking journalist: Leith Louzir / Radio speaker: Sandra Parra / English-speaking journalist: Rashed Hiyasat / Carmen: María C / Raquel: Sarah Lafaurie / Guadalupe: Grecia / Surgeon: Marco Horanieh / Mother: Morwenna Spagnol / Grandmother: Godeleine Heem / Daughter: Romy Heem / Stan: Johann Biondo / Mayor: Stéphane Petitprez / Sarah and Georges’ mother: Virginie Pladys / Border guards: Paul Demey, Léopold Danes / Control tower guards: François-Xavier Galès

Dancers: Virginie Bolin, Frédéric Ryckebush, Freddy Jaecques, Marine Jaecques, Allan Ryan, Magali Vantorre, Sylvie Dekimpe

Images: Antoine Campagne, Margot Nahi assisted by Dolbak, Emmanuel Grangé

Underwater images: Denis Ester, Didier Duamelle, CPESMDE

Editing: Xavier Gamby

Calibration: Mathieu Le Fellic

Mixing: Edgard Bonnet

Radio Jingle: Half

Disco boom operator: Quentin Platel

Music: Giorgo Marafioti

(Keep the light on) – Where were you ?

Elite Music – Deep Ocean

Jelena – Desert Song

Signals: Direct Signalétique Hazebrouck

TV News card: Jafar Al Fawalha, Jordan Pioneers

Credits photos: Louise Heem

Credits editing: Xavier Gamby, Houda Abouz

Language counseling English subtitles: Project UK

Poster: Raphaël Augier, le poisson vert

Contact: jaimecegarcon@gmail.com

Merci, gracias, thank you, grazie, شكرا , Danke

A toute l’équipe.

A Raed Andoni, Patrick Heem, familles Heem et Matignon, Laetitia & Félix Gamby, Ramzi Maqdisi, Khaled Haddad, Fanan Osama Malhas, Project Hope Naplouse, Audrey Levray, Lucas Nadel, Uli Ulises, Thomas Kellner, Armelle Vanderaghen, Véronique Antoine, James Duprey De Rio, Pauline Carbonnier, Adil Lutete, Flavien Milon, Blandine Melis, Simon-Jean Desjonquères, Patrick Hauthier, Liza Finelli, Elodie Masson, Silvia Castro B, Adil Lutete, Yves Renard, Delphine Frecon, Maud Charlet, Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille, Mairie de Merville, Anne Marie Cousin, Thierry Kun, Wladimir Beltran, Jean Loup Rassin, Moncef Le Van Huynh, Nathalie Cœur, Karim Djermoune, Alain Josset, Franck Giraud, Sharon Bar-Ziv, Alba López, AG TITA Assaleck, Muayad Alayan

Aux tagueurs et graffeurs de la rue Ordener et de Qalqilya.

Aux acteurs et étudiants ayant participé aux castings. 

A Mohamed & à Tim dont la scène a été coupée pour des raisons techniques.

Aux personnes rencontrées en Allemagne, Irlande, ex-Yougoslavie, Chypre et Palestine, et qui ont inspiré cette histoire. Ce film leur est dédié.

@ El día de la virgen – J’aime ce garçon – 2016